You are currently viewing Gullbranna to Falkenberg (5)
Bus shelter swedish style - 8 km from Falkenberg.

Gullbranna to Falkenberg (5)

After our improvised dinner at the campsite we went to bed early. We hoped to keep the warmth in our sleeping bags. When we closed our eyes around 21 o´clock we were quite confident to get through the frosty night. It went good until around 3 or 4 o´clock when the temperature fell below 0°C. Also the tent was frozen from the outside. Waking up with a freezing cold nose, thinking about every movement, and the pro and cons of going to the bathroom was not nice at all. However, after a short workout in the bathroom the core got warm again and sleep was further possible until 8 o´clock.

Although it seems possible to get through the night like this, it´s probably not the best way to get energy for the day. So we decided to go some more nights into an appartment/hotel. After our breakfast in the heated kitchen we prepared the bikes for the day. Luckily, the sun was already warming up the air and the tent could dry.

Cycling in the sunshine to Halmstad

The first kilometers we followed the coastline again. We stopped at Påarp with an old boulder field (culture part of the day). After that the Kattegattleden led us more inland. We passed a lot of farms and fields until we came to the more urban area of Halmstad. Due to the flat environment we had to fight an old friend again: headwind! But good to build some muscles (also mental ones 😋).

By chance we passed a mall. Because we were almost running out of food, we had to shop there. We also had a second breakfast in the sun right in front of the mall. The path led us further through an industrial area, along the Nissan river, and an amusement park for kids. A huge dinosaur was looking over the fence.

Around Halmstad

When we left the center of Halmstad we cycled through a nice forest. Of course, a golf course had been placed between the tree areas. On our tour we passed a lot of golf courses along the road, so it seems that this is sport number one in Sweden (next to tennis and fishing?). Luckily, no golf ball hit us, yet 😁

On the further way we passed some smaller towns. In Haverdal we stopped near a supermarket for a late lunch snack and discussed our plans. We wanted to get to Falkenberg and rest there for minimum one day. Also the decision for a warm accomodation was clear. The options for apartments (in budget) along the way were limited. So we just wanted to cycle as far as we came and search on site.

8 km to Falkenberg feeling like an eternity

After leaving the Halmstad kommun the area got less populated and if we passed some houses they were mostly small villages. Fields and forests alternated with short parts along the coast on this path of the route. But a constant companion was the headwind. We had to pay tribute to last night’s bad sleep. When we came close to Falkenberg we checked our options for an apartment and chose the Hotell Vesterhavet for two nights. But still there were 8 km to go and that would be the toughest of the day.

We were relieved when we saw the Skrea strand of Falkenberg because it meant we were almost at our destination. When we checked in we were surprised by the big room and because we felt that we might need a longer pause, we extended our stay for another night. After dinner in the hotel restaurant we went to the supermarket for some supplies. Afterwards we were happy to enjoy our warm room. Also the bikes did 😉.


The total distance can be viewed on the “Sabbatical 2021 – Europe” page.

Total distance: 75.49 km
Max elevation: 51 m
Min elevation: 5 m
Total climbing: 459 m
Total descent: -434 m
Average speed: 16.33 km/h
Total time: 06:57:57
Download file: Sabbatical2021_005_Gullbranna_to_Falkenberg.gpx

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Lothar Hermann

    Hey, Ihr Zwei seid ja echte Frohnaturen. Das Zelt von außen gefroren…. das muss man erstmal aushalten. So schön es auch tagsüber sein muss….aber die Nächte? Gönnt euch erstmal ein paar Tage eine warme Unterkunft. Denn krank werden gefährdet eure ganze Tour. Also passt auf euch auf. Ich verfolge jeden Bericht von Euch und freue mich schon auf die nächsten Bilder.

  2. Heinrich Boll

    Hallo ihr Zwei
    freue mich immer über Eure Berichte.
    Gehe jedes Wochenende Wandern. Heute auch wieder nur 3 Grad über Null.
    Ab nächste Woche soll es besser werden. Wünsche Euch weiter eine gute Reise und bleibt gesund.

  3. Michelle

    Hallo ihr zwei!
    Danke, dass du mir den Link nochmal geschickt hast Alina. Jetzt habe ich erstmal was zu lesen 🙂 Schön dass es euch gut geht und so zu lesen kommt ihr schon ordentlich vorwärts. Ich freue mich dich bald wieder zu sprechen und werde eure Fahrt hier gespannt verfolgen! Bleibt gesund und vor allem viel Spaß. Genießt diese Zeit, die wird euch für immer in Erinnerung bleiben.
    Alles Gute und liebe Grüße auch von den Jungs, PD

  4. Kornelia Kauke

    Hallo ihr Abenteurer,
    es macht sooo Spaß euch hier beim Reisen zu begleiten , besonders dank der schönen Aufnahmen und witzigen Kommentare.
    Hoffentlich werden die Nächte bald von den Temperaturen her erträglicher damit ihr euer Campingleben richtig geniessen könnt.
    Bis dahin wünschen wir euch immer genug Luft in den Reifen und paßt gut aufeinander auf.
    Liebe Grüße von Didi und Mama

    1. admin

      Hey, vielen Dank für den lieben Kommentar 🙂 Das freut uns auf jeden Fall zu lesen, dass der Content gut ankommt 😉 Ja das Campingleben hatten wir uns auch ein bisschen einfacher vorgestellt – aber man wächst ja mit seinen Herausforderungen 😁 . Danke und das machen wir, Liebe Grüße Alina & Alex

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