You are currently viewing Skanör to Borstahusen (1)
The Öresundsbron (Öresund bridge) from the swedish site near Malmö.

Skanör to Borstahusen (1)

The week in Skanör flew away so fast with a lot of relaxing and kind of binch watching Brooklyn Nine Nine on Netflix. But we also visited some interesting spots in and around Skanör. One day we went to the beach of Skanör with a lot of nature reserve area for all kind of birds. The weather was sunny but the wind (more of a storm!) was ice-cold. Thought that we already got a bit used to the swedish weather – but eeeh not!

The other day we checked out Falsterbo with ruins of an old castle: Falsterbohus borgruin (perfectly excluded from the wind inside them 😉). Falsterbo also had a nice beach side with a long bridge into the water (we did not try that of course…). During one not so sunny day we went into the nearby nature reserve between Skanör and Ljunghusen. We hoped to meet some of the pheasants we saw earlier but non of them showed up. Instead we got pictures of some sheep and again a lot of crows.

Sunny start from Skanör

After saying goodbye to our very friendly host in Skanör, we could finally start the first stage of our Sabbatical tour. We decided to follow the Sydkustleden, which is a long-distance cycle path from Simrishamn to Helsingborg. The first kilometers from Skanör led us through a nature reserve where a lot of birds stay during early spring (thousands of grey geese!). Also we could see right at the beginning the skyline of Malmö which we would pass. This part of the country is so flat you can already on Monday see who´s visiting on Saturday! So till the first highlight of the tour we passed some small Swedish towns. With a lot of strong wind we were happy that the sun was shining, so we did not get too cold.

Malmö and the Öresundsbron

Our first stop was right at the Öresundsbron. The bridge connects Sweden to Denmark and is really an architectural masterpiece. This place was also perfect to watch the sea and a lot of birds in the grass land. We followed further the signs of the cycle path leading us under the bridge and more and more closer to Malmö. Then we lost the track of the Sydkustleden somewhere in the city and decided to use the navigation system. Later we crossed the Sydkustleden by chance and could continue driving on this path. Cycling in Malmö was pretty easy because there are a lots of roads for bicycles. Something we are not used to from German cities. Malmö had some really nice spots with old historical buildings, but also very modern architecture. Therefore, we also could have our lunch at a nice park next to the sea.

Heading to Landskrona

After Malmö we passed some industrial area and followed the coastline further north. The Sydkustleden is not a straight connection to go to the north. So the path often switches between following the coastline and going more inland and always tries to show you some beautiful sights. This is really great and it was mostly fun to follow this path. Sometimes we lost track, but we always came back on the Sydkustleden. During late afternoon we got a bit tired. Also heavy headwinds started to blow. So we decided to use our navigation for the last 20 km. As mood and heavy headwind obviously have a connection it was really hard not to loose the motivation on the last kilometers. So we were very happy when we passed Landskrona and arrived at the Borstahusen Camping ground. First we built up our tent. The camping ground was really good equipped and clean. After a nice hot shower and a dinner in the warm community building, we went to bed very tired. Of course, accompanied by a storm outside. But our tent could really show what it can 💨💨💨.


The total distance can be viewed on the “Sabbatical 2021 – Europe” page.

Total distance: 102.76 km
Max elevation: 23 m
Min elevation: -14 m
Total climbing: 563 m
Total descent: -567 m
Average speed: 14.45 km/h
Total time: 09:04:44
Download file: Sabbatical2021_001_Skanoer_to_Borstahusen.gpx

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Barbara Pelchen

    Hey Alina and Alex,
    very impressive equipment, great itinerary, but most of all awesome bikers! Lovely photos of great landscapes… enjoy and be well!
    Barbara from Heidelberg

    1. admin

      Hey Barbara, thank you very much for your comment and all the compliments. We are happy to share some of our experiences here 🙂 All the best and stay safe, Alina

  2. Heinrich Boll

    Hallo Alina und Alexander
    Danke für die interessanten Berichte und tolle Aufnahmen.
    Freue mich schon auf die nächsten Ausgabe.
    Wünsche Euch eine gute Reise und bleibt gesund.
    Grüsse von Heinrich Boll

    1. admin

      Danke! Wir versuchen regelmäßig zu berichten.

  3. Paul Williamson

    Hi to you both. Great to see you making progress in these windy conditions. Weather forecast looks better for the next week. Enjoying following your journey and all it brings. / Paul

    1. admin

      Hi Paul, thank you! Yeah we are hoping for a sunny swedish spring. And thanks again for being a great host,

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